Most of the frequently asked questions are listed below. Please write to us in case your question is not listed here.

What if I cancel after booking?

Payment is required in full prior to visa authorization application – this is a requirement by the Ministry of Hajj. Refunds on the ground arrangements portion of the payment cannot be given. Depending on the ticket type we may be able to refund the ticket amount less a cancellation charge if allowed by the airline. If the ticket has not yet been issued then there will be no cancellation charge.

Can I combine my trip with a stopover in another country?

Yes. Many airlines offer stopovers and onward destinations at a extra charge including destinations in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and the Far East. However you must enter the Kingdom within one month of the visa issue date.

Can I go to Umrah without booking with any Umrah agent?

The Saudi Government has restricted pilgrims going for Umrah without booking with any authorized Umrah Agent. All arrangements for hotel, flight, transportation and visa must be booked with an approved Umrah Agent. This restriction is there so that the Umrah pilgrims receive a complete service.

Are there any hidden fees in the package?

No, there are no hidden fees in our packages. We are a legitimate travel agency and we do not hide any charges.

Can Non-British citizens go for Umrah?

Yes, they can but they should have a valid visa.

Do you offer Ziyarat of holy sites in Makkah and Madinah?

Yes we do, but this also depends on your choice whether you want to visit the holy sites or not.

What kind of hotels do you offer in your packages?

Makkah and Madinah have different kinds of hotels. You will be staying at the hotel which is mentioned in our package. However, in a tailor made package you can choose what kind of hotel you want to stay in. We can offer 3 Star to 5 Star hotel accommodations in Makkah and Madinah.

What is the Visa processing time?

Visa processing time depends on the Saudi Embassy. We recommend our clients to book their packages at least 15 days prior to the date you want to travel. This will give you enough time for visa processing and preparation. If you require an urgent visa processed or further advice, speak to our agents who will assist you.

We arrange Umrah visa on urgent basis please speak to one of our agents we will be happy to arrange this for you 

What should I do if I have a problem in Saudi Arabia?

We have an exceptional team of staff in Saudi Arabia . We make sure that no problem arises while you are staying in Saudi Arabia. It is highly unlikely that you will encounter any problem during your stay. If you are still not satisfied with anything, you can contact our office by phone during office hours and we will try our level best to solve the issue. You will also be provided numbers of contacts in Saudia Arabia before you travel.